
green living

Visit our blog at GreenLiving4Live.com

Here you will find information, news and events on this wonderful initiative.


8 comments on “About
  1. Gator Woman says:

    What a stunning picture this is~

  2. Please suggest me how to insert twitter TL in wordpress blog. I tried lot but failed. 😦


    Thanks for your support. Lets make 2015 a positive healthy year!

  4. Richard Farr says:


    I have been enjoying GreenLiving4Live for a while, so when I was nominated for a Liebster Award (which requires that others are nominated in turn) I thought it only fair to pass the baton on to you. I hope it lands you some additional readers, and doesn’t cause you too much work!

    You don’t have to accept the nomination, of course, but if you do the process goes something like this…

    * Nominate 3 to 10 blogs and tell them that they have been nominated. Each nominee should have under 200 followers (or not have received the award).
    * Thank the person who nominated you, and link back to the nominating blog.
    Answer at least five of the ten questions set for you by the person who nominated you, and propose ten for your own nominees.
    * Write a post containing the answers to the questions you were asked.
    * Post a Liebster Award icon to your blog.
    Include these rules in your nomination to other bloggers.

    My post about the whole Liebster thing is here: https://capacify.wordpress.com/2015/05/13/nominated-for-a-what/

    The ten questions I have set for the three bloggers I nominated are:

    1. If one of the quarks in a hadron is pulled away from its neighbours, why will the the colour-force field “snap” into a new quark-antiquark pair? (Okay, I’m kidding… the real question is: what historical period most fascinates you?)
    2. You have a day at liberty in the nearest big city, but you’re on a budget of just about zero. How do you decide to spend the day?
    3. What’s the secret ingredient of the best blogs?
    4. What social convention could we do without?
    5. What unusual or very personal item do you have to take with you on a long journey?
    6. What’s the most useless gadget, gizmo or gewgaw you were ever given?
    7. What’s the best game (any kind) ever?
    8. What do you think of Facebook?
    9. What slightly embarrassing piece of music is a guilty pleasure, concealed somewhere within your collection?
    10. Smart watches: awesome or gruesome?

    Best wishes!


  5. HI

    Thank you so much for finding my blog and liking a post. Hope you come back again soon

  6. msadetunji says:

    Thanks for the reblog!

  7. Thanks for the reblog

  8. Thank you, for liking my blog. I hope to have more interactions with you.

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